we got you covered.
2-year warranty.
The Seller (RSHAPES LLC) offers a two (2) year a warranty on all of its signs and plaques, both indoor and outdoor, which covers defects in material, design, or workmanship. This warranty covers structural damage; splitting, cracking or rotting of the substrate; serious pitting or noticeable denting of sign; and significant fading or peeling of coatings, including resin epoxy, primer, color paint, or clear coats.
Excluded from this warranty is any damage from abuse to the sign after it is received until it is properly installed; improper sign installation; vandalism; accidental impact; frequent watering by sprinklers hitting the sign; high winds or gusts greater than 70 mph; sign banging against a post or other hard object due to motion from winds (e.g., sign hanging from chains swinging wildly); bird pecking or squirrel or porcupine chewing damage; hailstorms; and any unusual operating environments such very high temperatures , vibrations or external stresses (e.g.,. earthquakes) that the sign was not designed for.
If the Buyer's sign suffers damage covered under this warranty in the 2 year warranty period, buyer can return the sign to the Seller (shipping will be pre-paid by RSHAPES LLC), and the sign will be repaired or replaced, or the Art Sign Works may perform or contract with a local sign company for in-place repair.
The warranty period starts the day the sign is delivered to the Buyer, not the day it is installed.